Our team
Behind this project is a team of scholars, practitioners, and developers who have emerged from disciplines outside of traditional archival communities.
Bettina Fabos— CO-DIRECTOR
Bettina Fabos is Professor of Interactive Digital Studies and Visual Communication at the University of Northern Iowa. She is an award-winning producer of digital history projects and researches noncommercial digital archiving, the Creative Commons movement, and interactive timelines.
Kristina Poznan— CO-DIRECTOR
Kristina Poznan is a public historian who promotes community engagement through digital humanities projects. In addition to building out the Fortepan concept for future sites, she currently serves on the team for “Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade” at Matrix, the Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences as Michigan State. She has taught history, public history, and digital history at William & Mary, La Salle, New Mexico State, and the University of Maryland.
Dana Potter— DESIGNER
Dana Potter is Assistant Professor of Interactive Digital Studies at the University of Northern Iowa. Combining art and technology, Dana’s work uses biometric and sensory tools to create visual data for creative projects, and explores eye-tracking, geolocation mapping, computer-mouse movement recordings, and facial recognition (see danarenepotter.com). Dana designs the Fortepan platform.
John DeGroote is Director of the GeoInformatics Training Research Education and Extension (GeoTREE) Center at the University of Northern Iowa. He coordinates Fortepan’s development and mapping technologies, including augmented reality initiatives with geolocated historical photos in a 360º plane.
Jonathan Voss—DEVELOPER
Jonathan Voss is the GeoTREE Center Application Developer at the University of Northern Iowa. He continually upgrades Fortepan's back end and develops new mapping and geolocation technologies.
Advisory Board: Dr. Gregory Colati (University of Connecticut), Dr. John Davis (John Hopkins University), Dr. Leisl Carr Childers (Colorado State University), Rachelle Chase (Uniting Through History), Dr. Lindsay Mattock (East Carolina University), Tyler Hurley (Tiwahe Foundation).