"Judging from the water loss, Waverly Water Department workers thought they would find a break in the water main in the 800 block of Fifth Avenue last Wednesday. They shut off services and began to dig. However, when the located the leak, it was for a local service into one of the houses on the north side of the street, and it was readily repaired. The repair required a cut through thick paving on the street and a hole that went between 6 and 8 feet." Bremer County Independent: Jan 17, 1989.
"Judging from the water loss, Waverly Water Department workers thought they would find a break in the water main in the 800 block of Fifth Avenue last Wednesday. They shut off services and began to dig. However, when the located the leak, it was for a local service into one of the houses on the north side of the street, and it was readily repaired. The repair required a cut through thick paving on the street and a hole that went between 6 and 8 feet." Bremer County Independent: Jan 17, 1989.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No 90N0008