"The Lagomarcino drug store after the fire in April 1942 in which it and the café next door were destroyed. Hot peanut oil being used to pop popcorn was the cause. This photograph was passed down from Virgil Lagomarcino." Source: Waverly Public Library. Accession No. 90J0013
The Lagomarcino drug store and Spier's Café were located at 320 and 322 W. Bremer Avenue, Waverly. Source: Bremer County Independent, April 22, 1942.
"The Lagomarcino drug store after the fire in April 1942 in which it and the café next door were destroyed. Hot peanut oil being used to pop popcorn was the cause. This photograph was passed down from Virgil Lagomarcino." Source: Waverly Public Library. Accession No. 90J0013
The Lagomarcino drug store and Spier's Café were located at 320 and 322 W. Bremer Avenue, Waverly. Source: Bremer County Independent, April 22, 1942.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx