"Interior of the Lagomarciono drug store which they opened in the carriage house of their old brick house [on 2nd St. NW] after their store was destroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lagomarcino on the ends with their son Virgil in the center." They ran the store off the alley until 1946 when Mrs. Lagomarcino died. John retired then but began working as a relief pharmacist. Written on back:"Lagomarcino's Drug Store." Stamped on back: "John E. Meyer, 1407 Cedar River Road, Waverly, Iowa 50677" source: Waverly Public Library. Accession No. 90J0021
This photo was taken between 1942 and 1946.
Their drug store burned down in 1942. Source: Waverly Republican, August 22, 1942.
Mrs. Lagomarcino died in 1946. Source: Bremer County and Waverly Republican, May 22, 1946.
Signage and products: Bayer Aspirin, Angel Dainty Dyes, Putnam Dyes - Tints, Life White Soda, Chemopure Skrip, Valspar Clear Colors, Dan-Dee Products.
"Interior of the Lagomarciono drug store which they opened in the carriage house of their old brick house [on 2nd St. NW] after their store was destroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lagomarcino on the ends with their son Virgil in the center." They ran the store off the alley until 1946 when Mrs. Lagomarcino died. John retired then but began working as a relief pharmacist. Written on back:"Lagomarcino's Drug Store." Stamped on back: "John E. Meyer, 1407 Cedar River Road, Waverly, Iowa 50677" source: Waverly Public Library. Accession No. 90J0021
This photo was taken between 1942 and 1946. Their drug store burned down in 1942. Source: Waverly Republican, August 22, 1942. Mrs. Lagomarcino died in 1946. Source: Bremer County and Waverly Republican, May 22, 1946.
Signage and products: Bayer Aspirin, Angel Dainty Dyes, Putnam Dyes - Tints, Life White Soda, Chemopure Skrip, Valspar Clear Colors, Dan-Dee Products.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx