"The back of the buildings just west of 2nd St. S.E. Their fronts face Bremer Ave. The block addition at the left was built onto the Lashbrook building (former Greenbrier Floral) with the buildings to the east being the back view of the double front Stauffer Pharmacy." source: Waverly Public Library.
"The back of the buildings just west of 2nd St. S.E. Their fronts face Bremer Ave. The block addition at the left was built onto the Lashbrook building (former Greenbrier Floral) with the buildings to the east being the back view of the double front Stauffer Pharmacy." source: Waverly Public Library.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 90F0020.