Waverly Newspaper, Aug 1982. Walls going up on building to house old fire truck for display in Riverside Park (near fire station) on 1st St. SW. It was later replaced in almost the same space when the new fire station was built.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 89B0251.
Waverly Newspaper, Aug 1982. Walls going up on building to house old fire truck for display in Riverside Park (near fire station) on 1st St. SW. It was later replaced in almost the same space when the new fire station was built. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 89B0251.