General Machine & Tool; Industries - Machine and Tool. The General Machine and Tool plant east of town on highway 3 as seen from the south. This photo is similar to 90N0445 one of them appears in the Bremer County Independent of 24 July 1984 p4 of the supplement.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 90N0446.
General Machine & Tool; Industries - Machine and Tool. The General Machine and Tool plant east of town on highway 3 as seen from the south. This photo is similar to 90N0445 one of them appears in the Bremer County Independent of 24 July 1984 p4 of the supplement. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 90N0446.