East Bremer Ave, Waverly IA. The first interurban car entered Waverly from Waterloo on 26 Dec 1910. The Old Stone Corner across the street to the east of the bank.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 90N0001.
Facebook Comments- Nick McCumber 11-09-23
Lon Peterson
This would be looking east from in front of the Waverly theatre. This would be before the theatre was built in 1926.
East Bremer Ave, Waverly IA. The first interurban car entered Waverly from Waterloo on 26 Dec 1910. The Old Stone Corner across the street to the east of the bank. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 90N0001.
Facebook Comments- Nick McCumber 11-09-23
Lon Peterson This would be looking east from in front of the Waverly theatre. This would be before the theatre was built in 1926.