Postcard with text on front of card: "Taft at Waverly, photo by F. W. Mueller." The photo shows a crowd watching suited men on the back of a train car
"A crowd gathered to listen to a whistle stop speech by Taft[X]." source Waverly Public Library. Accession No. 90G0027
Waverly newspapers reported that 300 people from Waverly paid 22ยข to travel to Waverly Junction on Saturday, 26 Sep 1909 to see Republican presidential candidate Wm H. Taft. The train arrived at 10:30, Taft appeared on the rear platform and "looked pleasant" but was too hoarse to speak; the train "lingered" for about three minutes.
William Howard Taft was the United States president from 1909-1913.
Postcard with text on front of card: "Taft at Waverly, photo by F. W. Mueller." The photo shows a crowd watching suited men on the back of a train car
"A crowd gathered to listen to a whistle stop speech by Taft[X]." source Waverly Public Library. Accession No. 90G0027 Waverly newspapers reported that 300 people from Waverly paid 22ยข to travel to Waverly Junction on Saturday, 26 Sep 1909 to see Republican presidential candidate Wm H. Taft. The train arrived at 10:30, Taft appeared on the rear platform and "looked pleasant" but was too hoarse to speak; the train "lingered" for about three minutes.
William Howard Taft was the United States president from 1909-1913.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page