Joe Grawe Collection. West Side Boot & Shoe Co. Location and owner unknown. Wooden front with false front, wooden sidewalk. In October 1990 Mr. Grawe located the original glass negative in a box of plates formerly owned by the Waverly newspapers. At that time a new print and copy negative were made by Elden's Studio.
Owner was J.L. Simmons. In 1982 Dan Dean bought this building and moved it to the North side of West Bremer. AC Mooney and Geo Shaffer occupied it and ran a marble shop from it. -Nick McCumber 09-19-24
Joe Grawe Collection. West Side Boot & Shoe Co. Location and owner unknown. Wooden front with false front, wooden sidewalk. In October 1990 Mr. Grawe located the original glass negative in a box of plates formerly owned by the Waverly newspapers. At that time a new print and copy negative were made by Elden's Studio. Owner was J.L. Simmons. In 1982 Dan Dean bought this building and moved it to the North side of West Bremer. AC Mooney and Geo Shaffer occupied it and ran a marble shop from it. -Nick McCumber 09-19-24
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 89I0012