STREET Level, This shot and others were taken prior to the library moving to its new location. The larger portion of the mazagine racks in the adult reading area. By 1997 crowded conditions packed the readers in chairs between computers, magazines and shelving. Level 3. The sloped shelves lifted to reveal previous editions of each magazine underneath. Magazines that were older still were stored on level 2. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 97B0010
STREET Level, This shot and others were taken prior to the library moving to its new location. The larger portion of the mazagine racks in the adult reading area. By 1997 crowded conditions packed the readers in chairs between computers, magazines and shelving. Level 3. The sloped shelves lifted to reveal previous editions of each magazine underneath. Magazines that were older still were stored on level 2. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 97B0010