Memorial Day (or Decoration Day) was observed on 30 May 1911 with a program (including a prayer, singing by the choir and music by the band) at the courthouse conducted by the Robbins Post G.A.R., assisted by the Women's Relief Corp. and school children. A procession then formed on E. Bremer Ave. and marched to the cemetery where graves of soldiers were decorated.
Scully and Nebauer Clothiers, Tailors. M. T. Roggensack Harness. H. J. Eckstein Central Meat Market. Farmers Bargain Store. Parade. Flag, Printing on photo: "Decoration 1911, Waverly, Iowa, photo by C. F. Gallagher"
Memorial Day (or Decoration Day) was observed on 30 May 1911 with a program (including a prayer, singing by the choir and music by the band) at the courthouse conducted by the Robbins Post G.A.R., assisted by the Women's Relief Corp. and school children. A procession then formed on E. Bremer Ave. and marched to the cemetery where graves of soldiers were decorated.
Scully and Nebauer Clothiers, Tailors. M. T. Roggensack Harness. H. J. Eckstein Central Meat Market. Farmers Bargain Store. Parade. Flag, Printing on photo: "Decoration 1911, Waverly, Iowa, photo by C. F. Gallagher"