Waverly Newspaper, Jan 5, 1919. The doctors who attended Dr. Wm. A. Rohlf's free birthday party clinic pose for a formal portrait. There is a religious statue behind the men, so the picture may have been taken in the hospital.
The windows indicate the photo was taken at the hospital. Dr. Frank Osincup is seated 2nd from the left, Dr. Rohlf is seated center front with bow tie, and Dr. L.C. Kern is seated on the floor at the far right.
Note: This photo appeared in the Waverly Democrat on 12 Jan 1922. The article includes a list of the doctors who attended.
Waverly Newspaper, Jan 5, 1919. The doctors who attended Dr. Wm. A. Rohlf's free birthday party clinic pose for a formal portrait. There is a religious statue behind the men, so the picture may have been taken in the hospital.
The windows indicate the photo was taken at the hospital. Dr. Frank Osincup is seated 2nd from the left, Dr. Rohlf is seated center front with bow tie, and Dr. L.C. Kern is seated on the floor at the far right.
Note: This photo appeared in the Waverly Democrat on 12 Jan 1922. The article includes a list of the doctors who attended.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 89N0057.