Rendezvous; Restaurants, Bars, Etc. This building on W. Bremer at 4th (southwest corner) was for a long time the home of Wartburg Publishing; then it served as a tavern under a number of different names and owners. 1937-1961 Town Tavern. 1962-1972 Rendezvous. 1978 - ? Reuben's Restaurant. 1981-1992 Emmy's Steak House. 1993 city had option to buy. Demolition.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 90N0429.
Rendezvous; Restaurants, Bars, Etc. This building on W. Bremer at 4th (southwest corner) was for a long time the home of Wartburg Publishing; then it served as a tavern under a number of different names and owners. 1937-1961 Town Tavern. 1962-1972 Rendezvous. 1978 - ? Reuben's Restaurant. 1981-1992 Emmy's Steak House. 1993 city had option to buy. Demolition. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 90N0429.