7 men on the sidewalk by a horse and buggy labelled "F. W. Babcock Sign Painter." F.W. Babcock of St. Paul MN was a nephew of Albert Babcock and a brother Orlando of Waverly and had once gone to school in Waverly. He was in Waverly on a visit and as his sign indicates he was a sign painter. Mr. Babcock, as a visitor to Waverly is mentioned in 1897 and 1919. Logically, it seems a long ride from Minneapolis on such a wagon. It may have been given as a memento to one of his relatives.
7 men on the sidewalk by a horse and buggy labelled "F. W. Babcock Sign Painter." F.W. Babcock of St. Paul MN was a nephew of Albert Babcock and a brother Orlando of Waverly and had once gone to school in Waverly. He was in Waverly on a visit and as his sign indicates he was a sign painter. Mr. Babcock, as a visitor to Waverly is mentioned in 1897 and 1919. Logically, it seems a long ride from Minneapolis on such a wagon. It may have been given as a memento to one of his relatives.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 99A0008