Gathering of workers, etc. at the Waverly Skirt Factory. The factory, a branch of the Waterloo Skirt Factory, opened on the second floor of this building at 301 E. Bremer Ave. in 1912. The occasion was a dinner [inside the building] for the workers provided by the bosses from Waterloo. The children are believed to belong to one of the bosses. Edna Homan Rosol is in the center hold the child's hands. In front of the man in top at far right is Emma Homan McFarlane [also dark hair.].
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 04A0009
Gathering of workers, etc. at the Waverly Skirt Factory. The factory, a branch of the Waterloo Skirt Factory, opened on the second floor of this building at 301 E. Bremer Ave. in 1912. The occasion was a dinner [inside the building] for the workers provided by the bosses from Waterloo. The children are believed to belong to one of the bosses. Edna Homan Rosol is in the center hold the child's hands. In front of the man in top at far right is Emma Homan McFarlane [also dark hair.]. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 04A0009