Waverly Newspaper; City shed along Cedar River south of fire station, Once used by the Rock Island Railroad. Looking Southeast; Location: 1st St. SW between 2nd and 3rd avenues.
Final use was by city for Leisure Services for maintenance crew of parks, rail trail, etc. The building was demolished on Oct. 2, 2018. The parks department then moved to the old maintenance building on SE 1st Ave. and 5th St. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 89B0047.
Waverly Newspaper; City shed along Cedar River south of fire station, Once used by the Rock Island Railroad. Looking Southeast; Location: 1st St. SW between 2nd and 3rd avenues. Final use was by city for Leisure Services for maintenance crew of parks, rail trail, etc. The building was demolished on Oct. 2, 2018. The parks department then moved to the old maintenance building on SE 1st Ave. and 5th St. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 89B0047.