Waverly Public Library from Bremer Ave. The library was an Andrew Carnegie design building and opened in 1904. The brick wrap areound addition was builst in 1968l The building was sold when a new library was constructed in 1998 at 1500 W. Bremer. A crew of volunteers with a rented truck took books -in order - from the shelves, loaded onto book carts, delivered them an placed them -in order- in the new library. No problems. And then the books and materials were all on 1 floor instead of 5.
Waverly Public Library from Bremer Ave. The library was an Andrew Carnegie design building and opened in 1904. The brick wrap areound addition was builst in 1968l The building was sold when a new library was constructed in 1998 at 1500 W. Bremer. A crew of volunteers with a rented truck took books -in order - from the shelves, loaded onto book carts, delivered them an placed them -in order- in the new library. No problems. And then the books and materials were all on 1 floor instead of 5.
Accession No. 90F0007 Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx