Signage on float: "73 years young Waverly with growing." Paints, wall paper, drugs. 1883-1956. "NE Iowa's Pioneer Days." Broadies drug store entered this float in Waverly's centennial parade. This shot was taken in front of the light plant on W. Bremer and 15th.
This photo along with many others was made from negatives in the newspaper archives which were donated to the the Waverly Public Library.
Signage on float: "73 years young Waverly with growing." Paints, wall paper, drugs. 1883-1956. "NE Iowa's Pioneer Days." Broadies drug store entered this float in Waverly's centennial parade. This shot was taken in front of the light plant on W. Bremer and 15th.
This photo along with many others was made from negatives in the newspaper archives which were donated to the the Waverly Public Library.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 99N0374