Written on front of postcard: "Kelley Canning Factory Fire, Waverly, IA, Aug. 27, 09, copyright applied F. W. Mueller
"A view of the fire which on August 27, 1909, destroyed the wooden Kelley Canning Factory. It was located on W. Bremer Ave. between 19th St. S.W. and the Illinois Central Railroad tracks. It was rebuilt on the same site." This photo appeared in the 2 Sep 1909 issue of the Waverly Republican.
George McRoberts died In this sweet corn canning company fire. Bert Hursh was severely burned and taken to the hospital. Others injured include Ed Luesenhop, William Liebau, Miss Bertha Mahnke, and Mrs. Frank Davis. Estimated loss was $130,000. Source: Waverly Republican, September 2, 1909.
Written on front of postcard: "Kelley Canning Factory Fire, Waverly, IA, Aug. 27, 09, copyright applied F. W. Mueller
"A view of the fire which on August 27, 1909, destroyed the wooden Kelley Canning Factory. It was located on W. Bremer Ave. between 19th St. S.W. and the Illinois Central Railroad tracks. It was rebuilt on the same site." This photo appeared in the 2 Sep 1909 issue of the Waverly Republican.
George McRoberts died In this sweet corn canning company fire. Bert Hursh was severely burned and taken to the hospital. Others injured include Ed Luesenhop, William Liebau, Miss Bertha Mahnke, and Mrs. Frank Davis. Estimated loss was $130,000. Source: Waverly Republican, September 2, 1909.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Source: Waverly Public Library. Accession No. 90J0015