K.H. Lamberton bought the Brown bus and baggage business in November 1907 and sold it in April 1911. During the three years he owned it, his feed barn burned twice. Local papers reported that he was planning to hold one of the largest horse sales in Waverly in "the square" in January 1911; that may be the event pictured here. The new owners (Nichols, Knapp and Clark) would introduce automobiles to haul passengers, baggage and mail, but would keep some horses for use when weather prohibited the use of autos. The photo is taken at the intersection of E. Bremer Ave. and E. Water St. (1st St.).
K.H. Lamberton bought the Brown bus and baggage business in November 1907 and sold it in April 1911. During the three years he owned it, his feed barn burned twice. Local papers reported that he was planning to hold one of the largest horse sales in Waverly in "the square" in January 1911; that may be the event pictured here. The new owners (Nichols, Knapp and Clark) would introduce automobiles to haul passengers, baggage and mail, but would keep some horses for use when weather prohibited the use of autos. The photo is taken at the intersection of E. Bremer Ave. and E. Water St. (1st St.).
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No 94D0001