Waverly Newspaper. The upper structures of these buildings were altered in the early 1940s. Fred Infelt purchased Wm. Mooney's variety store in 1948. and closed in 1981. Gambles moved a time or two but by 1950 it was in # 211 and there it stayed until 1982. Irv Harden, manager of Independent Food, continued after the remodeling in 1946. He remained in his position until October 1953 when the store was sold to Dick Poyner.
Waverly Newspaper. The upper structures of these buildings were altered in the early 1940s. Fred Infelt purchased Wm. Mooney's variety store in 1948. and closed in 1981. Gambles moved a time or two but by 1950 it was in # 211 and there it stayed until 1982. Irv Harden, manager of Independent Food, continued after the remodeling in 1946. He remained in his position until October 1953 when the store was sold to Dick Poyner.
Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 91N0181.