Waverly Newspaper. This view is essentially the same as Accension #91N0059 but extends further north into the farmland. Hinds Addition was later built near the light-colored fields at the upper right. The Stockwell bridge is under construction here. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 91N0060.
Waverly Newspaper. This view is essentially the same as Accension #91N0059 but extends further north into the farmland. Hinds Addition was later built near the light-colored fields at the upper right. The Stockwell bridge is under construction here. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page http://www.waverlyia.com/public-library/research/local-and-family-history-collection.aspx Accession No. 91N0060.