Community Service Projects. Waverly merchants held a drive to finance planting trees along Bremer Avenue from E. 4th to W. 4th. In the early days there were many native trees along the street or slightly back on some of the lots. When this project started not one tree stood in the eight-block stretch. Controversy over the mess the trees might create had not totally disappeared by the time they were planted. L-R: Don Hansen, B.E. Mick, ..., Evelyn Rathe, Mark Stevenson, Kathy Folkerts, ... (behind tree), Fred Infelt, Lois Coonradt, Larry Biddison, Geneva Liebau, ..., Sally Strottman, Mary Ackerman. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 90N0403.
Community Service Projects. Waverly merchants held a drive to finance planting trees along Bremer Avenue from E. 4th to W. 4th. In the early days there were many native trees along the street or slightly back on some of the lots. When this project started not one tree stood in the eight-block stretch. Controversy over the mess the trees might create had not totally disappeared by the time they were planted. L-R: Don Hansen, B.E. Mick, ..., Evelyn Rathe, Mark Stevenson, Kathy Folkerts, ... (behind tree), Fred Infelt, Lois Coonradt, Larry Biddison, Geneva Liebau, ..., Sally Strottman, Mary Ackerman. Additional photographs and resources can be found at the Waverly Public Library on the local and family history page Accession No. 90N0403.